MRST Courses for Spring Term 2018


San Marco cathedral
S. Marco from the canal

The following courses being offered in Spring term 2018 qualify for credit in the MRST program:

CLST 201 The Mythic Imagination

ENGL 200 Literary Foundations: Ancient – 17th Century

ENGL 312 History of the English Language

ENGL 373 Myth, Legend and Romance in Medieval British Literature

ENGL 423 Major Authors: Chaucer*

FNAR 202 World Art in Context II

FNAR 403 WI: Exploring Primary Sources in pre-Columbian Art History*

HIST 111 Ancient and Medieval World

HIST 380 Later Middle Ages

PHIL 201 Ancient and Medieval Philosophy

PHIL 20 Modern Philosophy

RSTD 212 Religions of the West

THEA 395 Shakespeare Mechanics*

*Special topics requires signature from program director.