The following courses that are being offered in Spring 2024 count towards the Medieval and Renaissance Studies minor. Courses with an asterisk will require a signature from Dr. Rowley. If you have any questions about the MRST minor, please contact Dr. Rowley at, or talk to any of the other MRST faculty!
CLST 201: The Mythic Imagination MWF 900-0950 with Dr. Padilla
ENGL 200: Lit Foundation I:Ancient-17thC, TR, 0930-1045, with Dr. Apolloni
ENGL 312: History of the English Language, TR 1630-1745, with Dr. Rowley*
FNAR 202: World Arts in Context II
MWF 1100-1150 and MWF 1400-1450 with Dr. Richardson
FNAR 378: Baroque Art, TR 1500-1615, with Dr. Erhardt
HIST 111: Ancient & Medieval World History:
MWF 1300-1350, with Dr. Cartwright
MWF 1400-1450, with Dr. Cartwright
W 1800-2100, with Dr. Santoro
TR 1500-1615, with Dr. Santoro
TR 1630-1745, with Dr. Santoro
HIST 347: Atlantic World Encounters 1400-1700, MWF 1300-1350pm, with Dr. Connell
HIST 380: Later Middle Ages, MW 1600-1715, with Dr. Cartwright
HONR 338: “Listen Up! Sound and Your Discipline,” TR 0930-1045, with Dr. Finley*
PHIL 201: Ancient and Medieval Philosophy MWF, 0900-0950 and MWF, 1000-1050,
with Dr. Jelinek
PHIL 202: Modern Philosophy TR 0930-1045, with Dr. Strehle
TR 1100-1215, with Dr. Homan
TR 1330-1445, with Dr. Homan
TR 1330-1445, with Dr. Strehle
RSTD 212: Religions of the West
MW 1930-2045, Dr. Sakal
MW 1800-1915, with Dr. Sakal
MWF 1200-1250, with Dr. Timani
MWF 1100-1150, with Kerry Fallon
RSTD 312: Religion and the Arts TR 1100-1215,
with Dr. Hutchinson
*Courses with an asterisk require a signature.
Contact Dr. Rowley with any questions,