A Phoenix Reborn:


A Concert of Previously Unedited Music for Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz’s Loa 380

7:30 pm on Saturday 6 April 2019

CNU Pope Chapel

Painting of Sor Juana, by Juan de Miranda, c. 1680
Sor Juana, by Juan de Miranda, c. 1680
Featuring: Members of The Piedmont Singers of Central Virginia

Jenny Edenborn, Violin
Susannah Livingston, Violin
Brady Lanier, Cello
Valentina Sorbera, Harpsichord

Presentation by Dr. Sarah Finley, Christopher Newport University
Responses by Christopher Newport University Spanish majors with the guidance of Dr. Elaine Miller

This event features “Al feliz natalicio” (“Praise to the fortunate birth”), anonymous court music from 18th-century Spain that includes fragments of Mexican poet and nun Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz’s Loa 380. Dr. Sarah Finley discovered the manuscript in Spain in 2018, and her subsequent transcription and research has led to this, its first performance in over 200 years. The find is an exciting one that lends new insight into musical settings of Sor Juana’s work. Today, there are nine extant scores for the author’s musico-poetic writing, and “Al feliz natalicio” is one of just two known examples of music for her theater pieces.

The concert is made possible through the gracious support of Christopher Newport University.