CNU students on stage at the Blackfriars’ Theater 2013. Photo by Sharon M Rowley
CNU English and MRST Students to Attend Joan of Arc (1 Henry VI)!

This trip to the American Shakespeare Center’s performance is being fully funded by the English Department.
When: Saturday 3 October 2015
We’ll travel by bus to Staunton, VA. Our first event is a tour of the historical reconstruction of Shakespeare’s Blackfriars Theater. We’ll learn about the development of the theater and historical performance practices. After lunch in Staunton, we’ll attend the matinee, which according to the ASC’s website will show us how: “[t]he world whirls out of control in Shakespeare’s thrilling tale of France’s Joan of Arc, the English warrior Talbot, and the young King Henry. From the funeral of Henry V that opens the play to Joan’s fiery execution, Shakespeare’s brilliant first installment of the Wars of the Roses is riveting storytelling that never lets up” (http://www.americanshakespearecenter.com/v.php?pg=1881).
This is a great opportunity for students to learn about not only about Shakespeare, but also about the stage during his lifetime. Plus, the American Shakespeare Center is amazing! Their actors and staff are incredibly helpful and knowledgeable.
This trip is especially for students in ENGL 421, Shakespeare, but is also open to CNU English Majors and MRST students. If there is room on the bus, we will also welcome students from CNU Theater, Honors, and, well, any interested CNU student who contacts Dr. Sharon Rowley to sign up in advance. You can write to Dr. Rowley via this blogspace or by writing to srowley@cnu.edu by clicking the link below. (You must sign up in advance; 48-hour cancellation required.)